This piece has potential but is really quite terrible. There is not "everying you need to" about the conflict, here or anywhere. Among key things that are missing include 1) the Yom Kippur War, which was traumatic from the Israeli perspective, and nearly resulted in the destruction of Israel; 2) Israel's withdrawal from Gaza; and 3) the presence of Jews on the land well before Zionism -- continuously for millenia (and not by implication of Zionism/Holocaust narrative here "and then made it their home") and the fact that a slim plurality of Israeli Jews are of North African and Middle Eastern descent and not of European descent, i.e., they are in Israel as natives of the land or the consequence of Arab or Persian or Ottoman anti-semitism and not of European anti-semitism. I'm sure my two-state solution friends from the Palestinian side have similar gripes. Nothing here is brief or simple, and it goes much deeper than "the conflict begins" in WWI.